Global Leader Lecture Series

About Global Leader Lecture Series

Global Leader Lecture Series

The 'Global Leader Lectures' is a credit-bearing, compulsory GEfIL course for studnets participating in the Independent research Project PHASE2.
past Global Leader lecture Series(Apr-May 2017 for GEfIL dai 1 kisei
past Global Leader lecture Series(Apr-May 2018 for GEfIL dai 2 kisei
past Global Leader lecture Series(Mar 2019 for GEfIL dai 3 kisei
past Global Leader lecture Series(Mar 2020 for GEfIL dai 4 kisei

2020 GEfIL Global Leader Lecture and Workshop  2021.03.25 (Thu) - 2021.03.29 (Mon) 

The Global Leader Lecture and Workshop for GEfIL dai 5 kisei was conducted as an intensive online program over five days. While this event was planned to take pace at the UTokyo Yamanaka Lodge, this year it was held online to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The theme of the workshop this year was “Leadership in times of crisis.” This year we were fortunate to have two keynote speakers. Digital Minister of Taiwan, Audrey Tang, and Executive Vice President of the University of Tokyo and Director fo the Global Commons Center Dr. Naoko Ishii. Minister Tang gave incisive response to the questions that the students had prepared about leadership in crisis. Dr. Ishii stressed in her presentation the urgency in which we need to approach global issues as humans face Anthropocene. The discussion time flew by as students asked Dr. Ishii about various topics including experience during her illustrious career at the Ministry of Finance, IMF, and World Bank. Prior to the keynote presentations, Professor Junichi Handa gave a special lecture on characteristics and skills important in navigating a crisis as a leader.

On the 2nd day, the students learned to use design thinking skills. Ms. Hiromi Hara, COO and Innovation Office Director from SAP Japan, offered valuable instruction and students by designing a customized program for our theme. Students worked in groups practicing problem identification and designing solutions by setting personas for the stakeholders.

Thirteen PHASE2 students were instrumental in the steering committee as they designed themes for the group projects and facilitated the discussions. Students worked hard on their projects which included economic hardship and gender gap exasperated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The final day presentations provided an opportunity for the fruit of their labor to be enjoyed by their peers and by the expert mentors.

Steering Committee Members

Congratulations on your hard work for 5 days!

Keynote Speech by Prof. Naoko Ishii on Thursday 25th, March

Keynote speech by Digital Minister of Taiwan, Audrey Tang on Friday 26th, March

Questions submitted to Digital Minister of Taiwan, Audrey Tang