GEfIL Abroad Program

Here are some examples of GEfIL Abroad Program.

In Year 3 and 4 of GEfIL, students have the opportunity to participate in carefully selected, existing abroad programs of top universities around the world, joint abroad programs with international top universities and other organizations, short-term internships, or volunteer work abroad. Thanks to the generous sponsorship of supporting companies, students will receive scholarships (up to a max. of 1 million Yen) towards the cost of their chosen abroad program.*

*Students suffering financial hardship might be eligible to apply for a  'Special Additional Scholarship'. Please consult the International Academic Affairs Team (GLP admin) for details.

***Condition of recognition of USTEP Courses or other Abroad Program Courses***
It may be possible to have your USTEP Courses or other Abroad Program Courses you have taken recognized as GEfIL Abroad Program. Please submit following information to International Academic Affairs Team (GLP admin).
1.    Name of the University you study at
2.    Period of your study abroad
3.    Courses you have taken
4.    Course Syllabus in case it is NOT from USTEP

When the program is approved by GLP Mentors, your USTEP Courses or other Abroad Program Courses can be regarded as GEfIL Abroad Program and will be registered to your LPS.

Within two weeks after the program, please submit following information to you LPS(LPS>Activity Log>GEfIL Abroad Program status).
1.    Certificate of completion or academic transcript
2.    GEfIL Abroad Program report (Download its format from LPS)