The GLP-GEfIL curriculum offers students opportunities to participate in summer schools and other short-term study abroad programs, and to meet and collaborate with top-class international researchers, students, entrepreneurs and experts of international institutions. GEfIL pursues a transdisciplinary, innovative approach to global problems and is designed to equip students with the vision and competences required to play meaningful, leading roles in global society.
About GLP-GEfIL Curriculum(2020/7/2 Recorded in GLP-GEfIL 6th Recruitment Information Session)
GEfIL Independent Research Project
The GEfIL Independent Research Project forms the centerpiece of this program and focuses on critical contemporary issues in large, interdisciplinary, thematic fields (e.g. sustainability, diversity, peace building, global health, global economy & management, global education, AI and Society).Students define and plan their own research projects within these fields. They are supervised by GLP and subject-specific mentors as well as by postgraduate teaching fellows. Interdisciplinary brainstorming sessions, special workshops and seminars with renowned guest speakers provide students with the opportunity to foster innovative thinking and test the practicability of their ideas. At the end of the year, students will give a (public) presentation of their projects and research outcomes.

Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
Associate Prof
Runsen ZHANG
Center for Global Education
Assistant Prof
Independent Research Project Phase1 (FY2021-FY2022)
Independent Research Project Phase1 (FY2018-FY2021)
Independent Research Project Phase1 (FY2016-FY2018)

Global Health
Graduate School of Medicine
Prof Takahiro HIGASHI

Global Health
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate Prof Haruhiko INADA

Global Education
Graduate School of Education
Prof Masaaki KATSUNO

Peace Buiding
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Institute for Future Initiatives
Prof Kensuke FUKUSHI

Institute for Future Initiatives
Prof Alexandros GASPARATOS
Independent Research Project Phase2 (FY2022-FY2023)
Independent Research Project Phase2 (FY2021-FY2022)
Independent Research Project Phase2 (FY2017-FY2021)
Independent Research Project Phase2 (FY2016-FY2017)
GEfIL Abroad Programs
Generous GEfIL Scholarships fund (partially) short-term study abroad in carefully selected, existing summer programs of top universities around the world; joint summer programs with international top universities and other organizations; short-term internships and volunteer work abroad.Global Leader Lecture Series
Global Leader Lecture Series by internationally active business leaders, entrepreneurs, experts and representatives of international organizations. Students will participate in choosing speakers.GEfIL Expert Mentor Lecture Series
It consists of 7-8 interactive lectures and discussion sessions given by the GEfIL Expert mentors and Associated Professors.GLP GEfIL Logo Explanation

Our colorful logo represents both our vision for the GLP GEfIL program and our aspiration that a great many students from various academic backgrounds, with critical minds and diverse capabilities will flock to our program. The image of the paper plane over the letter ‘f’ also stands for ‘flying’ and ‘future’: It refers to the potential of each and every student to soar high and make their way in(to) the world … and to do so not on prescribed routes but by determining their own, however tentative, paths. In this vision, the GLP GEfIL program may be regarded as the ‘runway’ facilitating each students’ take-off into a bright future.