Exchange meeting with Sponsor Companies took place on 24th September, 2020
Exchange meeting with Sponsor Companies took place on 24th September, 2020
Usually we conduct GEfIL Abroad Program Reporting Session this time of the year, after many GEfIL students come back from abroad with exciting experience. This year, unfortunately most Abroad Programs were cancelled due to COVID-19 and therefore the concept of the meeting is restructured.
Theme of the day
Sponsor Companies : ウイズコロナ時代におけるグローバル企業の課題と方策
- 危機の時代におけるリーダーシップとは-
(How Global Economy/Companies will be in the age of ‘with COVID-19’? -Desired Leadership during Crisis-)
GEfIL Students : ウィズコロナ時代におけるグローバルリーダーを目指して、今、そしてこれから、どのようなことを成し遂げていきたいと考えますか?
(How do you want to be as a Global Leader in the age of ‘with COVID-19’?)
The sessions were conducted by Zoom online. 33 members from 12 sponsor companies participated in the sessions, together with GEfIL Students, Staff and Professors and in total 133 members joined in this exchange meetings.
10 sponsor companies made company presentations first, followed by four Break Out Room sessions with GEfIL Students and Sponsor Companies. GEfIL students investigated each company and prepared for questions. Therefore, even the time of each session was limited, GEfIL students had precious time to communicate directly with each sponsor company.