News about GLP-GEfIL

GLP-GEfIL joined GO GLOBAL UTkyo Study Abroad Fair 2023 on Saturday, May 27th!

GLP-GEfIL joined Individual Consultations of GO GLOBAL UTkyo Study Abroad Fair 2023, hosted by The Center for Global Education, The University of Tokyo, as one of the 20 booths held at the Komaba Campus from noon on Saturday, May 27.
It was conducted face to face for the first time in four years.

Before the fair started, we were worried about how many people would come to the booth, but once it started, we had many Year 1, Year 2 students, and Year 1 PEAK students, and some parents came to the booth, eagerly listening to explanations from the faculty and staff of GLP GEfIL and asking many questions.

In June and July, we will hold 7 Briefing Sessions of 9th Recruitment on weekday evenings at the Komaba Campus for Year 1, Year 2 & Year 1 PEAK students.
If you are interested in GLP GEfIL but were not able to listen to the explanation sufficiently at the individual consultations, or if you could not visit our booth in GO GLOBAL UTkyo Study Abroad Fair 2023, you can join the session any time for your own convenience without reservation.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
