【REPEAT】GLP-GEfIL Information Sessions for 8th recuritment
GLP office will conduct Information Sessions for 8th recruitment of GLP-GEfIL students on following schedule. Please join when you are available. (target for Year 1 & Year 2 students & Year 1 PEAK students)
Registration for 8th application starts from Friday, 8th April. (target for Year 2 students & Year 1 PEAK students)
Registration link for 8th application is available here.
Date/Time: 4/8 (Fri)・ 4/14(Thu)・4/19(Tue)
6/8(Wed)・6/14 (Tue)・6/17(Fri)・6/20(Mon)・6/22(Wed)・6/30(Thu)・7/4(Mon)
19:00~20:15 each day
Venue)Komaba Communication Plaza, North Bldg. Komaba Campus, 2F, Tamokuteki No.2 (P204)
On 5/7, the final presentation of Independent Research Project PHASE2 will be held from 9:00 to 17:00. While it is a face-to-face presentation on the day, GLP office will publish the state of the presentation by Zoom Online for those who wish to visit from Year 1 and Year 2 students. If you wish to visit, please contact GLP office by email with your name, grade and stream information, no later than 17:00 on 5/6. (glp-gefil.adm@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
The GEfIL current students will join the sessions and communicate with you as follows. Please take advantage of talking and asking them directly about your questions and/or any concerns!
4/8(Fri) Suzuka IOKI (Faculty of Economics, Department of Business, Year 4)
Oon-pitipongsa THANISORN (Faculty of Engineering, Department of Applied Chemistry, Year 3)
4/14(Thu) Tian YUXIN (Faculty of Law, Legal Studies Course, Year 3)
Oon-pitipongsa THANISORN (Faculty of Engineering, Department of Applied Chemistry, Year 3)
4/19(Tue) Mahiro KOBAYASHI (Faculty of Economics, Department of Economices, Year 3)
Yusuke HARA(Faculty of Engineering, Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Year 3)
Information about sessions of June and July will be posted later.
If you cannot come to Komaba campus with various reasons and want to join INFO sessions through online, please email to GLP office about your details in advance by the previous day of each session.
(email to; glp-gefil.adm@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
We all look forward to seeing you in Information Sessions!