【REPEAT with Registration URL】GLP-GEfIL Information Sessions for 7th recuritment
GLP office will conduct Information Sessions for 7th recruitment of GLP-GEfIL students on following schedule. (target for Year 1 & Year 2 students & Year 1 PEAK students)
In spite of the pandemic,
Because we are in the pandemic,
Would you like to study special Global Education Initiative by the University of Tokyo?
GLP-GEfIL students (your senpai) will plan to join in the sessions, too.
Date/Time) 4/9 (Fri)・ 4/13(Tue)・4/15(Thu) by Zoom online in April
6/9(Wed)・6/15(Tue)・6/18(Fri)・6/21(Mon)・6/23(Wed)・7/1(Thu)・7/5(Mon)Venue will be announced later for June - July sessions.
19:00~20:15 each day
Please find following information for GEfIL students/faculties who will participate in Information Sessions in April.
※Registration URL for each session is available as below. Please be noted that registration is accepted only with e-mail addresses of '' domain.
4/9(Fri) QING Xin (Faculty of Arts and Sciences, PEAK - JEA, Year3)
GEfIL mentor : GUO Nanyan (Presentation in English)
Registration from here →
4/13(Tue) KAWASE Shoko(Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Year4)
MURAO Kazutaka (Faculty of Law , Course 1, Year3)
SUGATA Rika (Faculty of Education, Division of Educational Practices and Policies, Year3)
GEfIL mentor : ITATSU Yuko (Presentation in Japanese)
Registration from here →
4/15(Thu) YAMADA Eriko (Faculty of Arts and Sciences, PEAK - JEA, Year 3)
TONG Fei (Faculty of LAW, Course 1, Year 3)
FUTAMI Jumpei (Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Year3)
GEfIL mentor : GUO Nanyan (Presentation in Japanese)
Registration from here →
Information about sessions of June and July will be posted later.
We all look forward to seeing you in Information Sessions!