News about GLP-GEfIL

2020/11/28 Entrance Ceremony & Orientation for Dai6kisei took place!

GLP-GEfIL Entrance Ceremony & Orientation took place on Saturday, 28th of November, 2020 and 86 new GEfIL students started the program.  It was a lovey autumn day.

In the Entrance Ceremony, Prof. Sawako Shirahase, Executive Vice President of UTokyo in charge of Global Leadership Program gave welcome message, followd by that Prof. Kiichi Fujiwara, Director of GLP Office welcomed each student into GEfIL  Prof. Liscutin, Program Director of GLP-GEfIL introduced TEAM GEfIL and gave oriantation of the program.  Then Expert mentors of each Independent Research Project PHASE2 gave students warm welcome and brief of their own research scope.  Finally GEfIL Alumni, Riona Kobayashi and Sora Yamaguchi gave GEfIL students hearty welcome!

Under the COVID-19 spread, eveyone suffers with various restrictions, however, we truly hope that GLP-GEfIL students will broaden their horizons with new challenges in the program.

After the Entrance Ceremony & Orientation, GLP-GEfIL students experienced Team Building sessions.

Good luck to all 86 newly born GLP-GEfIL students!

