【REPEAT】Introduction of Participants (GEfIL students/ALUMNI) to GLP-GEfIL Information Sessions (Registration URL available now)
We are pleased to announce that following GLP-GEfIL students/ALUMNI's will join us in Information Sessions from June. Those sessions will give you good opportunities to contact with GEfIL students/ALUMNI's from various majors in persons, so please do not miss!!
※Registration URL for each session is available as below. Please be noted that registration is accepted only with e-mail addresses of 'u-tokyo.ac.jp' domain.
These sessions are targeted to YEAR 1 and YEAR 2 students (PEAK Year 1 students). It starts from 19:00 each day and finish around 20:30.
Name of participants, kisei, faculty/major, current status (ALUMNI only)
6/10(Wed) OMIYA Moe 1ki ALUMNI, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, (Oxford University MA)
OKA Shunsuke 4ki, Faculty of Engineering
YAP Alexine 4ki, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, PEAK JEA
GEfIL Mentor Prof. Liscutin (Presentation in English)
Registration from here → https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcsde-rrjwjHtaWwfnvLsxXa5HZUWkwM5Qy
6/16(Tue) MATSUMURA Kentaro 3ki ALUMNI, Faculty of Law , (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
HAN Leah 3ki,PEAK, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, PEAK ES
GEfIL Mentor Associate Prof. Komatsuzaki (Presentation in English)
Registration from here → https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEucOippzgiG9N6ZDLR__spbcuzUr1VQ-6E
6/17(Wed)KOBAYASHI Riona 1ki ALUMNI, Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, (SUMITOMO Forestry Co., Ltd)
UOZUMI Ryosuke 4ki, Faculty of Engineering
GEfIl Mentor Associate Prof. Itatsu (Presentation in Japanese)
Registration from here → https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUrdOihpj4jHtaN-JSXKacscukBbBypBBSh
6/22(Mon)KIM Jisu 3ki ALUMNI, Faculty of Economics
HAMABE Tomomi 3ki, Faculty of Economics
MOTOHASHI Tomohiro-Neil 4ki, Faculty of Agriculture
GEfIL Mentor Associate Prof. Hejcik (Presentation in Japanese)
Regisrtation from here → https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwlce-srTsoH9eE0sp9YH7Ydgj7NN6Je8Gm
6/26(Fri) HIROKAWA Tatsuya 2ki ALUMNI, Faculty of Engineering,
(Graduate School of Engineering)
YANAGI Akie 3ki, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
ISODA Ami 4ki, Faculty of Medicine
GEfIL Mentor Associate Prof. Hejcik (Presentation in Japanese)
Registration from here → https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEpf-2vpz4jGNCSwaqSQ1QDj44_39ORlZ27
7/2(Thu) KIRIYA Shiene 3ki ALUMNI, Faculty of Letters,
(Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology)
HAN Leah 3ki, PEAK , Faculty of Arts and Sciences, PEAK ES
GEfIL Mentor Proj. Prof. Guo & Prof. Liscutin (Presentation in English)
Registration from here → https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrce-rrzktGdV4varAkMdpmXny6p5QZrG0
7/7(Tue) YAMAGUCHI Sora 2ki ALUMNI, Faculty of Agriculture,
(Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences)
BRIECK Lexa 3ki ALUMNI, Faculty of Arts and Sciences PEAK JEA,
(Keio Univ. Meida Design)
MORI Utena 3ki, Faculty of Economics
GEfIL Mentor Proj.Prof. Guo & Associate Prof. Itatsu (Presentation in Japanese)
Registration from here → https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwsdeioqz8jHdzYBJnxT5r1wLidxj3U7xY2
We all look forward to seeing you online in June and July!