News about GLP-GEfIL

Recruitment for IRP PHASE2 Teaching assistant - deadline on 31st July, 2018

GLP office announces a recruitment for 5 Teaching Assistant for Independent Research Project PHASE2 in 2018-2019 period.  Please find detailed infomration in below PDF document of 'Application for 2018_9 GEfIL_P2_Teaching Assistant'.

・Applicants must be currently enrolled graduate students of the University of Tokyo. Strong interest and/or expertise in 'Global Economy & Management' and/or 'Global Health' is preferable.
・Please fill in '2018_2019 GEfIL-P2 TA Application Form' and submit to GLP off by Tuesday, 31st July, 2018.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact GLP Office at
