News about GLP-GEfIL

GEfIL IRP PHASE2 Information Session to GEfIL IRP PHASE1 Students

To all GEfIL IRP PHASE1 Students

Information sessions about IRP PHASE2, which starts from September this year, will be conducted on following schedule.  Expert mentors in charge will explain about lectures, so please join us where you are interested in.

21st April (Sat)  経済学研究科棟 6教室
 11:00~11:45  Peace Building  by Prof. Kiichi FUJIWARA
 12:00~12:45    Global Economy&Management by Prof. Takahiro FUJIMOTO &  Project Prf Junichi HANDA
  13:00~13:45    Global Health    by Prof Masamine JIMBA

12th May (Sat) 国際学術総合研究棟 513教室
   12:00~12:30  Global Education  by Associate Prof  Yuto KITAMURA
  13:15~13:45 Sustainability       by Prof Kensuke FUKUSHI
