Activity with Soponsor Companies

Infomration about activities with Sopnsor Companies

The final presentation of GEfIL IRP PHASE 2 was held on Saturday, May 7th!

The final presentation of GEfIL IRP PHASE 2 was held on Saturday, May 7th.

This is the first face-to-face presentation in two years. It was the final presentation in a hybrid format with several online participants. Great achievements from the students were presented in each of the five thematic fields.

Most of this year's IRP PHASE2 was conducted online, but the fact that all the students gathered together at the end was an irreplaceable experience for all the students.

During a very busy schedule, however, five people from sponsor companies participated and acknowledged the progress of the students for two years. Ms. Egusa from Sumitomo Corporation, as a representative from sponsor companies, gave a comment on the day.

This summer, it seems that traveling abroad with GEfIL Abroad Program will be realized for the first time in two years. I hope that all the students will become stronger through the GLP-GEfIL program even during their busy days with job hunting and exams for graduate school.
