Activity with Soponsor Companies

Infomration about activities with Sopnsor Companies

The Tazaki Foundation decides support GLP-GEfIL Program!

The Tazaki Foundation decides to support GLP-GEfIL program from AY2022!

The Tazaki Foundation provides comprehensive support for ambitious young people who wish to study in the United Kingdom in order to develope the bilingual and bicultual global leaders of the future.  From AY2022, the GLP-GEfIL program for study abroad in the UK will receive the support from The Foundation.

It was difficult to travel abroad about the past two years due to COVID-19, but we hope GLP-GEfIL students will be able to experience GEfIL Abroad Program this summer. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the support from the Tazaki Foundation.
